Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday Gaming - Battle for Salvation

So I've been given a heads up that on the Friday night before the Battle for Salvation next weekend, I'll be going up against Fritz from Fritz40k/Way of Saim Hainn. This will be entertaining for me, as I've never actually square off against Fritz, and we don't face a lot of Eldar these days down here.

I'll probably be bringing my guard to face up against him, but I'll have the Orks on stand-by, and just in case he brings a softer or more "fun" list for this laid back game, will use the list of mine that is most closely matched to his in terms of competitive level.  I'm looking forward to a fun and close one.

Here's where my list choices stand for the actual BFS list ...

If I don't do the Orks;

List Option 1

Company Command Squad w/ Straken, 2 Meltaguns, Astropath, 2 Bodyguards, Medic, Regimental Standard Bearer, Carapace Armor, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 345 points

Grey Knight Brother Captain - Psychic Hood, Auspex - 83 points

10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points

Platoon Command Squad w/ 2 Meltaguns, Al'Rahem, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 175 points
Infantry Squad w/ Meltagun, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 115 points
Infantry Squad w/ Meltagun, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 115 points

Vendetta - 130 points
Vendetta - 130 points
Vendetta - 130 points

1998 points total; 9 Chimeras, 3 Vendettas; Astro to allow easy Vendetta reserving if not going first; improves arrival timing and location for Al'Rahem

List Option #2
Company Command Squad w/ Straken, 2 Meltaguns, 2 Bodyguards, Astropath, Medic, Standard Bearer, Carapace, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 345 points

5 Storm Troopers w/ 2 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 160 points
5 Storm Troopers w/ 2 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 160 points

10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points
10 Veterans w/ 3 Meltaguns, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer, Multilaser - 155 points

Vendetta - 130 points
Vendetta - 130 points
Vendetta - 130 points

This list is similar to the Al'Rahem list, but picks up a 6th Chimelta vet squad, drops Al'Rahem, picks up 2 outflanking (if they need to) storm trooper squads (which can also suicide deep strike and let their empty Chimeras provide back-up rides and empty coverboats)

I'm liking both of these lists right now in playtest, as I've found my more dated list (originally hybridized off a pure "fluffy" build involving tons of vendettas and valkyries with furious charging grey knights in them) needs the outflanking to better threaten and deal with things like manticores and long fang missile squads.  Both lists still retain the LD-durable, hood-protected, straken-buffed core that really doesn't care how badly you de-chimera it, it'll maul most armies that get anywhere near it.

Both of these lists eschew my old standby Demolishers, which has pros and cons ... the only big con is that they can help readily deal with thunderwolf cavalry armies, but plenty of meltaguns, shotguns, heavyflamers/mulitlasers, vendetta shots, etc., will deal with those later game as well, so long as wisdom is taken to manage longer range threats early, so that when the puppies get into you you're not as debilitated by-turn from the long range fire.

Lots to ponder, but I'm not going to this one to steal the show and take the cake ... 4-7 fun games would be fine by me.


  1. I'd go list #2

    Cap'n Al isn't all he's cracked up to be.

    but Stormtroopers can do some damage. SandWyrm's used them to great effect. They're pretty versatile too.

  2. The trick there is, I like the hood, and I like having 6+ scoring units.

    Remember in this component al's just there to outflank 3 chimeras into someone, along w/ a handful of "well you will HAVE to actually deal with them" meltaguns (BS3 is only the bees knees if it has ... oh 3+ turns to work across).

  3. I'd use:

    Command Squad in Chim w/3 Melta's and a Standard

    2x5 Ogryns in Chim's

    2xVet Squad w/3 Melta in Chim
    2xVet Squad w/3 Plasma in Chim

    2x10 Roughriders

    2xExterminator's w/Plasma Sponsons


    But seriously I like the concept of 1 better than 2. But really, OGRYNS!!!!
