Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adepticon Team Tournament - Final Lists - Team Whiskey & 40k

Not a very good picture; we need to really re-take with the display board added; suffice to say, spearheaded by the painting of the more talented members of our team, but with contribution from all, the armies look REALLY awesome together.

The force is predicated on a Great Scourging immediate post-Heresy expedition of recently committed Vostroyans and a group of Space Wolves.  Every wolf model has been heavily converted with forgeworld, maxmini, chapter house, green stuff, multiple GW plastic kits, etc., to look large, active, "in motion," and very Heresy era.  The IG army is ENTIRELY Vostroyan, and props to Kevin for his significant work on so many metal models.  Final count for the lists is 174 infantry models, 18 vehicles.

One of the more interesting conversions we did was in relation to the Razorbacks.  There were no Razorbacks yet for thousands of years still at the time of the Heresy, so anyone running Razorbacks in a Pre-Heresy army without conversion is ... well, not fluffy at all.  So, we envisioned Space Wolves as just the type to crazily hang out the top hatch of a bounding rhino and fire lascannons or double tap plasmaguns out of it on the move.  Hence, the conversions have accurately placed weaponry and double wolves sticking out of the tops of standard rhino hatches for the Razorbacks.  All appropriate clarity and weapon placement maintained, of course :)

Here are the lists ...

Imperial Guard Army #1
Mike Brandt
Team Whiskey & 40k
Adepticon Team Tournament 2011

HQ (1/1)
Company Command Squad - 235
Command Squad - 50
Company Commander Upgrade to Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken - 95
2 x Veteran Upgrade to Meltagun - 20
Veteran Upgrade to Regimental Standard - 15
Veteran Upgrade to Laspistol/Close Combat Weapon - Free
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Elite (0/1)

Troop (3/3)
Veteran Squad - 155
Veteran Squad - 70
3 x Veteran Upgrade to Meltagun - 30
6 x Veteran Upgrade to Shotgun - Free
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Veteran Squad - 155
Veteran Squad - 70
3 x Veteran Upgrade to Meltagun - 30
6 x Veteran Upgrade to Shotgun - Free
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad - 45
Platoon Command Squad - 30
3 x Guardsman Upgrade to Flamer - 15
1 x Guardsman Upgrade to Laspistol/Close Combat Weapon - Free

Infantry Squad - 60

Infantry Squad - 50
2 x Guardsman Upgrade to Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - 10

Infantry Squad - 60

Infantry Squad - 50
2 Guardsman Upgrade to Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - 10

Fast Attack (1/1)
Vendetta Gunship - 130

Heavy Support (1/1)
Manticore Rocket Launcher with Hull Heavy Flamer - 160

Imperial Guard Army #2
Dave Gonzales
Team Whiskey & 40k
Adepticon Team Tournament 2011
HQ (1/1)
Company Command Squad - 170Includes:
Command Squad - 50
2 x Veteran Upgrade to Lascannon Heavy Weapon Team - 20
Veteran Upgrade to Regimental Standard - 15
Veteran Upgrade to Laspistol/Close Combat Weapon - Free
Add Regimental Advisor - Astropath - 30
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Elite (0/1)

Troop (3/3)
Veteran Squad - 155
Veteran Squad - 70
3 x Veteran Upgrade to Meltagun - 30
6 x Veteran Upgrade to Shotgun - Free
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Veteran Squad - 155
Veteran Squad - 70
3 x Veteran Upgrade to Meltagun - 30
6 x Veteran Upgrade to Shotgun - Free
Dedicated Transport - Chimera with Hull Heavy Flamer - 55

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad - 50
Platoon Command Squad - 30
4 x Guardsman Upgrade to Flamer - 20

Infantry Squad - 60
Infantry Squad - 50
2 x Guardsman Upgrade to Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - 10

Infantry Squad - 60
Infantry Squad - 50
2 x Guardsman Upgrade to Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - 10

Infantry Squad - 60
Infantry Squad - 50
2 x Guardsman Upgrade to Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - 10

Fast Attack (1/1)
Vendetta Gunship - 130
Heavy Support (1/1)
Manticore with Hull Heavy Flamer - 160
Space Wolf Army #1
Tony Kopach
Team Whiskey & 40k
Adepticon Team Tournament 2011

HQ (1/2)
Rune Priest with Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning - 100

Wolf Scout Squad - 85Includes:
5 x Wolf Scouts with Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons - 75
1 x Wolf Scout Upgrade to Meltagun - 10

Wolf Guard Squad - 134Includes:
1 x Wolf Guard with Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Meltabombs - 48
1 x Wolf Guard with Power Fist, Combi-Melta - 43
1 x Wolf Guard with Power Fist, Combi-Melta - 43

Troop (3/3)
Grey Hunter Squad - 170
6 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 90
1 x Grey Hunter with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Wolf Standard - 25
1 x Grey Hunter with Meltagun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 20
Dedicated Transport - Rhino - 35

Grey Hunter Squad - 170
6 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 90
1 x Grey Hunter with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Wolf Standard - 25
1 x Grey Hunter with Meltagun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 20
Dedicated Transport - Rhino - 35

Grey Hunter Squad - 1504 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 60
1 x Grey Hunter with Flamer, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 15
Dedicated Transport - Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun - 75

Fast Attack (0/1)

Heavy Support (1/1)
Long Fang Squad - 1904 x Long Fangs with Missile Launchers - 100
1 x Long Fang Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - 15
Dedicated Transport - Razorback with Twin-Linked Lascannon

Space Wolf Army #2
Kevin Comer
Team Whiskey & 40k
Adepticon Team Tournament 2011

HQ (1/2)
Rune Priest with Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning - 100

Elite (1/1)
Wolf Guard Squad - 119
1 x Wolf Guard with Power Fist, Combi-Melta - 43
1 x Wolf Guard with Power Fist, Combi-Melta - 43
1 x Wolf Guard with Combi-Flamer, Combi-Melta, Meltabombs - 33

Troop (3/3)
Grey Hunter Squad - 170
6 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 90
1 x Grey Hunter with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Wolf Standard - 25
1 x Grey Hunter with Meltagun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 20
Dedicated Transport - Rhino - 35

Grey Hunter Squad - 155
5 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 75
1 x Grey Hunter with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Wolf Standard - 25
1 x Grey Hunter with Meltagun, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 20
Dedicated Transport - Rhino - 35

Grey Hunter Squad - 150
4 x Grey Hunters with Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 60
1 x Grey Hunter with Flamer, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon - 15
Dedicated Transport - Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasmagun - 75

Fast Attack (0/1)

Heavy Support (2/2)*EXTRA HEAVY SUPPORT
Long Fang Squad - 190
4 x Long Fangs with Missile Launchers - 100
1 x Long Fang Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - 15
Dedicated Transport - Razorback with Twin-Linked Lascannon

Long Fang Squad - 115
4 x Long Fangs with Missile Launchers - 100
1 x Long Fang Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon - 15


  1. Wait...you mean...Tony painted his Wolves?

  2. lolz :)

    Can I get a close-up of some of the conversions? Want to see the razorbacks especially. :)

  3. Looks cool, it'll be fun to see them in person in a few days!

    One thing you might want to look at are the Rune Priest powers- I'm pretty sure that one of them needs to be different from the other. It might just be a typo or something, but it's something I'd for sure pay attention to, just in case you win the whole thing and it becomes a scandal ;-)

  4. You're save, Xaereth:

    How are Sagas, Wargear and Psychic Powers handled in a pure Space Wolves Team? Are the restrictions applied to individual 1000-point armies or across the entire 4000 points?

    1. Team Members must build a 1000-point force adhering to the Warhammer 40K Team Tournament Force Org and all restrictions within their given codex. So, for Space Wolves Team Members that means: No duplicate Sagas (unless one character is Special/Unique/Named), no duplicate wargear and no duplicate psychic powers within each 1000-point Team Member list.

    2. These restrictions are per Team Member, not the overall Team.

    3. Special/Unique/Named Characters that are taken by any Team Member and somehow modify the Force Org, affect ALL Team Members.

    4. During Games: Wargear and abilities that affect your Coalition's forces do NOT stack.

    From Adepticon Blog FAQ

  5. Looks awesome. And the terrain! Amazing!

    Good luck guys, that army looks sweet.

  6. The terrain is amazing because it's YOUR terrain, Tim W from the Tau of War.

  7. I'm with X - I'm looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend!

    Cool army.

  8. Heh, cool. I'm glad it works out, just trying to help :)

  9. If you happen to play Brindley (from South Africa) in the team tourney, give him a smack on the head from me :)

    Otherwise, post more pics pls.

  10. Nice work. Good luck to the four of you.
    Is that a bottle of Whiskey in the middle of the picture?

  11. The bottle of whiskey was a joke I put on the table saying it was our mascot/objective/whatever. Kevin thought it was funny and took a picture and for some reason that is the one that is getting used!

  12. Xaereth - I totally didn't want that to sound like I didn't appreciate the help ... I know you were. I actually contacted Matthias and double checked the FAQ b/c you spooked me haha!

    Looking forward to meeting everyone ... will be at the Westin on Friday evening; also, am going to drive into Chitown for the day on Friday I think, and will be going to Giordano's in Grover's Park (I think it's called, near the Westin) on Thursday evening ... if any of ya'll wanna join for any of that, I have seating for 8 in the car, and I think only about 3 or 4 are taken for Thurs/ Fri.

  13. ok, so I was generally jealous of you guys cause this all looked awesome and fun and I wish I could still be a part of it. But then I saw the Giordano's comment and my envy now knows no bounds. Have a great time, kick some names and take some a$$!

  14. Looks awesome... more pics would be nice though. Good luck guys and have fun!
