Friday, May 13, 2011

Grey Knight List Development - Update; New NOVA Open Site!

Well, based upon playtest, and actually playing lists I like to play (maneuverability with fire support and 6 scoring units seems to be the way I often go), I've been most recently playing with the following list .... and, actually kinda enjoying it.

Let's see if ya'll can dissect where the strengths of it are and gameplay approaches ...

Inquisitor Coteaz - 100
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor w/ Psycannon, TDA - 80

5 x Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Psybolt Razorback - 190
5 x Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Psybolt Razorback - 190
5 x Purifiers w/ 2 Psycannons, Psybolt Razorback - 190

3 x Warrior Acolytes, Plasmaback - 92
3 x Warrior Acolytes, Plasmaback - 92
3 x Warrior Acolytes, Plasmaback - 92
3 x Warrior Acolytes, Plasmaback - 92
3 x Warrior Acolytes, Plasmaback - 92
2 x Death Cult Assassins, 2 x Warrior Acolytes, 3 x Warrior Acolytes w/ Meltaguns, Chimera - 135

5 x Interceptors w/ Psycannon - 140
5 x Interceptors w/ Psycannon - 140

Dreadnaught w/ Multi-Melta, Psybolt Autocannon - 125
Dreadnaught w/ Multi-Melta, Psybolt Autocannon - 125
Dreadnaught w/ Multi-Melta, Psybolt Autocannon - 125

In NOVA News, we still have 40k GT spots left (though they continue to dwindle steadily, and are into the 200's), and there's a new website up ... feedback and glitch-identification welcome ...

 - Mike


  1. Strengths: Shooting Phase.

    Dreadnoughts advance with razor/chimera wall gaining cover and being able to use their multi-melta.

    Counter assaults are handled by the assassin henchmen squad. (w/Coteaz hammerhand)

    Purifiers serve to control midfield and assault hordes, when necessary.

    Psybolt razors can actually provide some decent supressing fire to AV 10 and AV 11.

    You seem to have given yourself most, if not all of the tools you need to handle a variety of opponents and situations. (Yet your psychic defense against powers that do not target you is a bit lacking.)


  2. That's a pretty nasty shooting phase ya got there. With some CC depth. Couple of minor things I'm curious about:

    -Razorbacks on the Purifiers, why?
    -Psycannon instead of hammers on the Interceptors, why?
    -I do worry about the survivability of your troops. 3 dudes have a tendency to flee or pin when a vehicle goes boom.

    I'd personally be a bit worried though against it with all the shooting. What do you use to pressure long fangs and similar units?

  3. @Hulksmash

    Side shots > Assault. Interceptors still have 1 attack each.

    Overall, my issue with it is the 3 Warrior Acolytes per transport. Seems too easy to blow up the transports and leave you with no scoring troops. Melta spam armies, like BA or SM would have a field day with it.

  4. Andrew G (Target)May 15, 2011 at 8:52 AM

    I like the way you've gone with this Mike, and after my tourney this weekend (which was a disastrous mix of cold dice and misplays on my part from having not played the army before) I think I'm going to be stealing that troop idea.

    The list I've been building/tested this weekend was:

    Psycannon Inquis, 3 Servo

    4x 5 GKSS in Rhino, Hammer/Psycannon
    1x Henchmen in Chimera, 2 MM Serv, 4 DCA, 2 Crusader

    2x 5 Purifiers in Rhino, Hammer, 2x Halb, 2x Psycannon

    3x Autocannon/Psybolt/MultiMelta Dread

    (This is a 1750 list)

    It shares a lot of elements with yours, but honestly, as you warned, I was thoroughly let down by 5 man squads, and psycannons in general, which felt like blinged out short ranged autocannons.

    Even with the charge I commonly did nothing, which could have been a dice issue, but when 5 purifiers charge and get to go first, and have hammerhand, I shouldn't end with 0 wounds on enemy GKSS's.

    I ended up really not liking the multimeltas on the dreads. They were incredibly unreliable, and when needed, didn't hit. I lost 1 dread out of 3 games, and hit with my multimeltas a whopping 4 times over the course of the day. I'll be switching back to double AC I think, and possibly including venerables to run behind the lines with bs5 MM's.

    Back to the drawing boards, but consider your plasmaback henchmen stolen! Why bother paying out the nose for 5 GK who still lose at combat? I'd rather pay next to nothing for 3 henchmen and just never get out (unless forced, and even then, hide anything that lives).

    I'm still not sold on interceptors, they have great mobility/contesting use, but at the end of the day I found that 5 GK's die so easily that having 5-10 guys not in transports would just end in them dying and not accomplishing much.

  5. I am sorry but i do not understand the term " plasmaback" . Can you guys explain what is it exactly. Three plasmagun maybe?

  6. Razorback = Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Razorback
    Psyback = Psybolt Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter Razorback
    Flameback / Fireback = Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer Razorback
    Assback = Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Razorback
    Passback = Psybolt Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Razorback
    Laserback = Twin-Linked Lascannon Razorback
    Plasmaback = Lascannon + Twin-Linked Plasma Gun Razorback

  7. You overcome the inherit long range weakness pretty well with fairly reliable AT.
    I'd be concerned about dealing with various drop lists (though Coteaz mitigates that somewhat)and hordes in general.

  8. Well, Coteaz helps for sure, plugging d6 s4 + 3 melta + psycannon at anything that drops w/in 12", but the Interceptors also help at that - they have Warp Quake, and can cover quite a good area with it thanks to jump packs / shunt.
