All Chimeras will of course be hull heavy flamer Chimeras.
Option #1
Straken + Bodyguard + 2 Melta + Medic + Cara + Banner + Chimera - 300
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Platoon Command Squad w/ Autocannon, 2 Flamers, Chimera - 105
Guard Squad w/ Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Guard Squad w/ Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Vendetta - 130
Vendetta - 130
Demolisher w/ Hull Heavy Flamer - 165
Demolisher w/ Hull Heavy Flamer - 165
In this particular variation, the guard squads will occasionally stay back as screens and early "annoying gnat" fire support ... screens to protect russes/vendettas (which can often have no choice but to be within 12" of some board edge) from BEL scouts, deep striking melta threats and outflankers, etc.
When that's not an issue, or against a shootier opponent, they roll up to add bodies to the mass of assaulters and close range baiters, to play the close shuffle and pinwheel chimera games, which are my sweet spot and comfort zone. If they stay back, their pair of chimeras are useful as cover and spare rides.
This thematic is pretty true throughout the variants, it's a matter of selecting where to invest the points
Option #2
Straken + 2 Bodyguards + 2 Melta + Medic + Cara + Banner + Chimera - 315
5 Stormtroopers w/ 2 Meltaguns - 105
5 Stormtroopers w/ 2 Meltaguns - 105
5 Stormtroopers w/ 2 Meltaguns - 105
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Veterans w/ Shotguns, 3 Meltaguns, Chimera - 155
Platoon Command Squad w/ Autocannon, 2 Flamers, Chimera - 105
Guard Squad w/ Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Guard Squad w/ Autocannon, Chimera - 115
Vendetta - 130
Vendetta - 130
This variant rather obviously eschews the Demolishers / Russ Chassis to pick up a trio of suicide melta storm trooper squads; these are more than just suicide against a lot of armies, where 5 man squads with carapace armor can easily and readily even gun down or hold up long fangs, devastator squads, and other units with firing and combat just long enough. They obviously use the deep strike scatter/re-roll doctrine in this scenario.
There are about 15 other variants, including the use of a lord commissar with power fist, brother captain with hood, extra vendettas and demolishers, more or less vets, etc. It's a lot to mull about, but the heart of it is that I'm slowly transferring from Catachan models over to Cadians with Pig Iron system trooper closed heads:

And some other conversion bits and what-not, including some cool weapon bits as lasguns and shotguns, yatta yatta.
Lots to consider and tweak with; there are changing conditions in the game that need to be addressed as a general rule; Strakenguard developed as a "fluff" list originally, it's not necessarily as potent as guard can be, but can be very good when played well (something I rather stumbled upon to be honest) ... the more competitive an environment will be, the more in depth you need to think about and be careful about what you bring. Orks for me are an easier one, b/c there's one build I've played for years, and because they're more of a "fun who cares" list.
Nice lists. I'm trying to see I can join you up there. Any chance you'd be into car-pooling?
ReplyDeletei love option #1 but thats also because i love demolishers. Straken backed up by 4 of the best guard tanks makes me do the happy dance. Heavy flamers plus screening will keep them relitivly safe. Plus these guys will take the brunt of any long range firing. Nobody wants demolishers roaming around midfield dropping those templates.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I definitely like seeing the AV14 in there.
ReplyDeletewow a what a nice and boring spam list hope you have fun with it. :(
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly not boring to play :) ... Straken makes guardsmen fun as heck.
ReplyDelete+1 for Pig Iron Heads.