Well, this wonderful concoction of beeriness and more beeriness is absolutely the best thing to ever grace my lips.
I recommend it over all other things, and hope you'll enjoy it orally, and otherwise.
My best beer ever award for this year goes to: Miller Lite.
Happy April,
- Mike
Fuck that, Keystone ftw
ReplyDeleteKeystone can S my D, all about Natty.
ReplyDeleteThe goddess Ninkasi was violently murdered in 1855 by Frederick Miller, just outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
ReplyDeleteMiller and his family kept the body of the goddess in the basement of their brewery, and in the early 1970's when they acquired Meister Brau and (re)launched Miller Lite, they ritually dismembered the rotting corpse of the deity to celebrate their great achievement, and ensure its market success.
Ninkasi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninkasi
I shall now sob into my beer and quietly murmur the name of Ninkasi every time I drink a Miller from here on out. While cutting myself.
ReplyDeleteSo that explains it.
ReplyDeleteMiller Lite tastes like rotting godcorpse.
I could never put my finger on it.
It really explains a lot. Basically, those who actually drink the crap are basing it off a deep-seeded faith in the drink's caloric powers, with no real understanding of why. Those who don't ... well, who wants to drink rotting corpse?
ReplyDelete^^ I know a guy that has many a pic of you with miller in hand... *ahem*
All American beers are pissing of old woman...
ReplyDeleteNone of you have been to the Pac NW, evidently.
ReplyDeleteAmerican beer is not entirely this made for mass consumption nonesense. There are places in the USthat easily compete with the world when it comes to microbrews. It's just our factory-produces offerings that are such an embarassment.
But I'm biased. To me Stouts come first and all that other nonesense comes second. Mmm. Stout. A sandwich in every bottle